Anger Management
Anger is the feeling of a human varies between mild to severe agitation, which can not control it. This can change the feeling that the rate of blood pressure and heartbeat. May result in feeling angry about anything of waiting in a long line to fight traffic congestion to severe. Feeling angry and becomes a problem if not controlled it.
Anger is the feeling of a human varies between mild to severe agitation, which can not control it. This can change the feeling that the rate of blood pressure and heartbeat. May result in feeling angry about anything of waiting in a long line to fight traffic congestion to severe. Feeling angry and becomes a problem if not controlled it.
What are some symptoms of nervous tension?
1- Verbal attacks on people
4-Breaking everything
1- Verbal attacks on people
4-Breaking everything
How to treat yourself from stress and nervous tension?
* Take a deep breath.
* Relaxation.
* Try searching for funny aspects in attitudes -
Try to imagine the comic situations or the position of funny
* Imagine a place to relax.
*Talk to the person you are angry, instead of screaming in his face.
* Avoid situations that you know very well that it move you.
*Get advice from a parent or friend
* Take a deep breath.
* Relaxation.
* Try searching for funny aspects in attitudes -
Try to imagine the comic situations or the position of funny
* Imagine a place to relax.
*Talk to the person you are angry, instead of screaming in his face.
* Avoid situations that you know very well that it move you.
*Get advice from a parent or friend
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